Development of Innovative Tools for Optimal management of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Grant agreement ID: 101114283
Programme: HORIZON.3.2 - European innovation ecosystems  

Start: 1 July 2023
End: 30 June 2024
Promotor: Nitrogen Sensing Solutions
Funding: European Commission
Total funding:  € 75.000,00
Project RCN: 251289

RCN: 444965

Aquaculture is the world's fastest-growing agri-tech sector. But it’s not without challenges. Sustainability, disease control, limited expansion space, and freshwater availability are pressing concerns. While recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) have offered solutions, their water monitoring systems lack real-time sensors to quantify highly toxic compounds like ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. These compounds can accumulate in closed systems, posing a severe threat and leading to sudden mass mortality in fish populations. In this context, the EU-funded iTOP-RAS project aims to revolutionise aquaculture. Their portable nitrite biosensor, the NO2Aqua, delivers accurate real-time results. Additionally, the NOxAqua and NOxAquaPlus products offer comprehensive monitoring capabilities and automation for the three N-nutrients, reducing mortality risks and propelling the industry towards Aquaculture 4.0.


NOxAQua - Smart Solutions to Control Nitrogen Levels in the Aquaculture Industry